Drain Cleaning Service in Hampstead

Clogged Drain Cleaning Services

If you have a clogged drain, call 5 Star Drain at 514-316-1043. We are in Hampstead, Montreal, and we provide quality and convenient drain cleaning services.

When you have a clogged drain, what you need is a quick and reliable service. That is why we, at 5 Star Drain, provide our drain cleaning services 24/7, so that we are available when you need us: day or night, weekday or weekend, and even on holidays.

Hampstead Drain Cleaning

Get A Quote 514-316-1043

That said, as a homeowner, you should be aware that maintaining the drainage system regularly will help you avoid unnecessary drain clogs. If you clean your drains at least once every year, the chances of having a clogged drain emergency reduce drastically. Because clogs develop slowly, over time, when you clean the drainpipes regularly, you will prevent the clogs from forming.

If you need drain cleaning services in Hampstead, call us at 514-316-1043. Talk to us about the problem you are facing; we will listen to you and offer a solution that will last.

Call us now for fast, quality, and convenient drain cleaning services.

Reliable Drain Cleaning Service in Hampstead

Sewer Cleaning Montreal

For your residential or commercial property, we provide services that cover any drain cleaning related need. When you come to us, expect to find a solution to your problems.

Here are some of the drain cleaning services we provide.

  • Main drain cleaning services - The main drain is the most important drainpipe in your home. It collects dirty water and waste matter from all the other drainpipes in the house and releases it into the city sewer line. When this drain clogs, the other drains will display signs of blockage, because, when wastewater fills this pipe, it backs up the other drains. That is why it’s very important to keep this drain clear. If multiple facilities in the house start showing symptoms of a drain clog, you need to call an expert to check the drainage system.

  • Toilet drain cleaning services – Every once in a while the toilet clogs. Most of the time, these clogs are not serious, and a plunger will solve the problem. However, sometimes the clog is more serious. If using a plunger does not solve the problem then, you know it’s time to call in the experts. Toilet drains will clog from baby wipes, cotton balls, paper towels, and any other non-flushable materials that go down the toilet. An early sign that a clog is forming is when the water level in the toilet drain keeps rising. Usually, when you flush the toilet, the water returns to a certain level every time. If you notice a change in the water level in the toilet bowl, the drainpipe needs to be checked for the presence of a clog.

  • Kitchen drain cleaning services – A kitchen drain will clog from food particles and grease. Using a plunger will clear the clog most of the time. If not, then the clog is more extensive. An early sign of a clog in a kitchen sink drain is water draining too slowly. If there is food particles stuck somewhere inside the kitchen drain, it will rot and you will notice a foul smell. Any of these signs show a clog is forming and the best thing to do is call a drain cleaning expert to check the drain before things get more serious.

  • Bathroom drains cleaning services – Hair and dental floss are major causes of clogs in the bathroom drains. When they mixed with soap scum, they form rough clogs. When the bathroom drains start to clog, you will notice the bathroom sink and bathtub draining slower than usual. Water backing up the bathroom shower and bathtub is also a sign of a clog in the drainpipes.

  • Floor drains cleaning services – Drains on the floor are meant to keep water out of the house. You will find these in the basement and even in the utility room. It is important to keep these drains clear to avoid the damage stagnant water on the floor can cause. When a floor drain clogs and water is not getting through, you will notice it pooling around the drain opening.

  • Outdoor drain cleaning Services – Surface water runoff has to find a way out of your property or it will stagnate on it. This can be a major health hazard as it can create a breeding ground for germs and insects. Mainly, the outdoor drain will clog from carried dirt and leaves into the drain by the runoff water. Water pooling around the drain opening or backing up out of the drain opening is a sure sign of a clog.

  • High-pressure drain cleaning servicesHigh-pressure cleaning involves the use of pressurized water to clean the drains. The method is used to do regular drain cleaning services or remove particularly nasty and stubborn clogs. For regular cleaning services, ask for high-pressure cleaning.

  • Tree root removal servicesTree roots can get into your main drain through the tiniest cracks in the pipe. Once inside, they feed on water and waste in the pipe and quickly grow. They cause very stubborn clogs. The main drain, which extends outside your house, is the most vulnerable drainpipe to tree roots infestation. If you have drain clogs that keep recurring, the main drain should be checked for tree roots infestation.

For these and any other type of drain cleaning needs, you can rely on us to provide quality services at your convenience.

Camera Inspections and Insurance reports

Drain camera inspection

5 Star Drain provides camera inspection services. There are various reasons why you would need a camera inspection. One of them is to check for tree roots infestation. A camera inspection can also be conducted to verify the state of a drain, e.g. after a cleaning service or when you are buying a new house. Whatever the case is, we will conduct the inspection and provide you with a digital file of the inspection.

We also produce various reports depending on the need. The main ones are:

  • Pre-Purchase inspection report
  • Insurance inspection report
  • Insured damage report

When you need an inspection of your drainage system, you can rely on us to provide an accurate and reliable report that you can use.

Get A Quote 514-316-1043

Drain cleaning CAA approved Experts

A Drain and Sewer Cleaning Service Company Near You

We are a locally owned and operated drain and sewer cleaning company that operates in Hampstead, West Island. Our services are customer-focused. This has endeared us to property owners who have continued using our services for years, even recommending us to others.

Here is what some of our happy and loyal customers have to say about our services.

Our kitchen sink backed up and one of our sinks was leaking. 5 Star Drain was fantastic and very helpful at resolving the problem in the kitchen and set us up for success in the future with tips on how to maintain the pipes.


Samuel Sinnett | Laval

If you need drain cleaning services, there is no better provider than us. We listen to our customers and make sure we provide them with solutions that last.

To schedule a drain cleaning service or have us deal with a clogged drain emergency, call us at 514-316-1043. We are available 24/7, and are always happy to serve you.

You can also reach out to us online, through our website.